Bashaw, Alberta
Local Private Landlords
No current listingsApproximately 80% of residential rental properties in Canada are owned and self-managed by private landlords with one to eight rental properties. (source: CMHC) Phone numbers listed as "private landlords" may or may not currently have properties to rent.
Local Apartments
No current listingsLocal Property Managers
No current listingsLocal Bed & Breakfast
No current listingsLocal Hotels & Motels
Bashaw Commercial Hotel - Phone 780-532-3514 Bashaw Motor Inn 2001 - Phone 780-372-4024 Johnson's Beach Resort - Phone 780-372-3884Local Seniors Accommodations
Bashaw Meadows - Phone 780-372-2056 Bashaw Valley Retreat Centre & Lodge - Phone 780-732-3039©2018 Instar Marketing & Communications. All Rights Reserved. Contents of this web site are offered for information purposes only and the publishers make no representation as to the veracity of the information presented.